%define pear_name File Name: pear-File Version: 1.3.0 Release: alt3 Summary: Common file and directory routines, also CSV handling License: PHP Group: Development/Other Url: Source: BuildArchitectures: noarch Requires: pear-core BuildRequires: pear-core rpm-build-pear %description Provides easy access to read/write to files along with some common routines to deal with paths. Also provides interface for handling CSV files. %prep %setup -c %pear_build %install %pear_install_std %post %register_pear_module %preun %unregister_pear_module %files %doc LICENSE CHANGELOG %pear_dir/File/ %pear_testdir/File/ %pear_dir/File.php %pear_xmldir/%pear_name.xml %changelog * Fri Jan 04 2008 Vitaly Lipatov <> 1.3.0-alt1 - initial build for ALT Linux Sisyphus