ViPNet Coordinator/СПТ7

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О документе

Инструкция описывает установку VipNet Coordinator 4.1.4 на Альт Линукс СПТ 7.0 (x86_64).

Ссылку на загрузку дистрибутива Альт Линукс СПТ можно получить по запросу на Дистрибутив демо-версии Coordinator для Linux можно скачать с официального сайта компании Инфотекс.

Все действия осуществляются под правами суперпользователя root.

Параметр Значение
/etc/altlinux-release ALT Linux 7.0.5 SPT (silo)
Версия ядра (uname -r) 3.14.59-std-def-alt1.M70C.6
Битность (uname -m) x86_64


При установке операционной системы включите пункт «Средства разработки». Впрочем, необходимые пакеты можно доустановить и позже командой

# apt-get install gcc4.7 kernel-headers-modules-std-def


Полученный архив распаковываем и переходим в полученный каталог:

# unzip
  inflating: distribute-x86_64-linux-4.1.4-10954.tar.gz  
 extracting: distribute-x86_64-linux-astra-4.1.4-10924.tar.gz  
# tar xf distribute-x86_64-linux-4.1.4-10954.tar.gz
# cd distribute

Затем запустите собственно процедуру установки VipNet Coordinator:

# ./ 
STEP 0: Checking system requirements
Checking presence of required system tools
Checking tool tar ... /bin/tar
Checking tool gunzip ... /bin/gunzip
Checking tool sed ... /bin/sed
Checking tool cat ... /bin/cat
Checking tool grep ... /bin/grep
Checking tool find ... /bin/find
Checking tool wc ... /bin/wc
Checking tool awk ... /bin/awk
Checking tool make ... /usr/bin/make
Checking tool killall ... /usr/bin/killall
Checking tool pidof ... /sbin/pidof
Checking tool zcat ... /bin/zcat
Checking tool install ... /bin/install
Checking tool rmmod ... /sbin/rmmod
Checking tool depmod ... /sbin/depmod
Checking tool lsmod ... /sbin/lsmod
Checking tool patch ... /usr/bin/patch
Checking Linux distribution support...
Checking Linux platform(x64_64/i686/arm) support...
Checking ethtool...
Found ethtool /usr/sbin/ethtool
Checking GCC version...
Found GCC 4.7
Checking Linux kernel headers presence...
Kernel headers found in /lib/modules/3.14.59-std-def-alt1.M70C.6/build/
STEP 1: Select ViPNet installation distribution
Searching in '/root/distribute'...
[ 1 ] distribute.tar.gz
[ 2 ] Change directory
Press ENTER to read warning message

Welcome to the ViPNet Linux Coordinator Setup Wizard.

  This wizard will guide you through the installation of ViPNet Linux Coordinator.
Before starting the installation process make sure that you have a key set 
(*.DST file) and corresponding password. If you do not have a key set and 
password stored on your hard drive or remote media, please abort the 
  If you have downloaded ViPNet software for demo purposes, you can apply to our
helpdesk at to receive key sets and passwords. 
Alternatively you can generate them by yourself with the ViPNet Manager or 
ViPNet Administrator. If you already use ViPNet in your company, you should ask
your administrator to issue you the required key set and password to
accomplish the installation.

Do you want to continue installation? (y/n)y
STEP 2: Unpacking ViPNet distribution archive
Unpack '/root/distribute/distribute.tar.gz' successfull
Press ENTER to read License Agreement
Do you agree to this License (y/n)y
STEP 3: Searching for current ViPNet configuration
No current ViPNet configuration found
STEP 4: Preparing for installation
This script will install
ViPNet Virtual Private Network (x86_64/Linux) Product version: 4.1.4 build 10954
Do you want to continue installation? (y/n)y
STEP 6: Installing drivers
Install drviplir.ko
Install itcswd.ko
Install itcscrpt.ko
Install itcskrniface.ko
chmod: cannot operate on dangling symlink '/usr/share/vipnet/webgui/logs/everything.log'
Adding user www-data to system
Installing man pages
STEP 8: Saving startup configuration
STEP 9: Select ViPNet configuration file (*.DST)
Searching in '/root/distribute'...
[ 1 ] Change directory
[ 2 ] Skip selection
Please select and unmerge ViPNet configuration file manually! (See documentation)
Beware of having 50M of free space for each IP packet log file
Installation completed.

Строка «Installation completed.» говорит о том, что VipNet Coordinator успешно установлен.

Установка ключей

Обратите внимание, что дистрибутив VipNet Coordinator не имеет конфигурации VipNet в формате .DST. Демонстрационные ключи можно загрузить по ссылке:

Их установка осуществляется по документации VipNet Coordinator (файлы PDF в распакованном каталоге distribute/doc).

1. Распакуем архив и посмотрим пароль:

# unzip 
  inflating: Coordinator Windows2/Coordinator Windows2/abn_0016.dst  
  inflating: Coordinator Windows2/Coordinator Windows2/user_info.txt  
  inflating: Client 1 Mobile/Client 1 Mobile/abn_001e.dst  
  inflating: Client 1 Mobile/Client 1 Mobile/user_info.txt  
  inflating: Client 2 Mobile/Client 2 Mobile/abn_001f.dst  
  inflating: Client 2 Mobile/Client 2 Mobile/user_info.txt  
  inflating: Client Windows1/Client Windows1/abn_0018.dst  
  inflating: Client Windows1/Client Windows1/user_info.txt  
  inflating: Client Windows2/Client Windows2/abn_0019.dst  
  inflating: Client Windows2/Client Windows2/user_info.txt  
  inflating: Coordinator Linux/Coordinator Linux/abn_0017.dst  
  inflating: Coordinator Linux/Coordinator Linux/user_info.txt  
  inflating: Coordinator Mobile/Coordinator Mobile/abn_001d.dst  
  inflating: Coordinator Mobile/Coordinator Mobile/user_info.txt  
  inflating: Coordinator Windows1/Coordinator Windows1/abn_001b.dst  
  inflating: Coordinator Windows1/Coordinator Windows1/user_info.txt
# iconv -f cp1251 'Coordinator Linux/Coordinator Linux/user_info.txt'
Имя пользователя: Coordinator Linux                                       
Идентификатор: 10E90017
Тип пароля: Собственный
Пароль: 11111111

2. Распакуем ключи с этим паролем:

# unmerge 'Coordinator Linux/Coordinator Linux/abn_0017.dst' /etc/vipnet
Enter user password:

3. Пропишите путь к ключам и пароль администратора:

# echo -e '/etc/vipnet\n11111111' > /etc/iplirpsw

4. Проверьте конфигурацию:

# iplir check
Checking IpLir config files
Error checking product integrity: /etc/vipnetdriversprg code 4
Error checking product integrity: /etc/vipnetdriversprg, exiting
Product integrity check error.

Запуск служб

# chkconfig iplir on
# service iplir start